Hongkong Post e-Cert
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Hongkong Post

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Request for Revocation of e-Cert (Personal)
(including e-Cert (Personal) on Smart ID Card)

Your e-Cert (Personal) is an important electronic ID for use on the Internet. If your e-Cert is lost, damaged or stolen, you should request Hongkong Post to revoke your e-Cert (Personal) immediately.

How to revoke e-Cert

A Subscriber may submit a certificate revocation request of his/her e-Cert to Hongkong Post by fax, lettermail, email or in-person to revoke his / her certificate at any time for any reason.

Hongkong Post CA may revoke a certificate whenever it: -

  • knows or has reason to believe that a subscriber's private key has been compromised;
  • determines that a certificate was not properly issued in accordance with the Certification Practice Statement ("CPS");
  • determines that the subscriber has failed to meet any of the material obligations set forth in the CPS;
  • is required to do so by any other regulation, or law applicable to the certificate.

e-Cert (Organisational) / e-Cert (Encipherment) / e-Cert (Server) Revocation Request Procedures

Revocation requests can be made by the following persons:

  • for e-Cert (Organisational) - by the Authorised Representative of the Organisation or the person whose name appears on the certificate as the Subscriber of that certificate;
  • for e-Cert (Encipherment) - by the Authorised Representative of the Organisation;
  • for e-Cert (Server) - by the Authorised Representative of the Organisation.

and by the following methods:

  • Sending a completed Certificate Revocation Request Form by fax to 2775 9130 and the original of the revocation request form by post to Hongkong Post CA, PO Box 68777, Kowloon East Post Office; or
  • Sending a completed Certificate Revocation Request Form by letter to Hongkong Post CA, PO Box 68777, Kowloon East Post Office; or
  • Sending a digitally signed e-mail to enquiry@eCert.gov.hk; or
  • Submit a signed Certificate Revocation Request Form through the corresponding Registration Authority which will forward such certificate revocation requests to Hongkong Post CA; or
  • Request revocation online:-


  1. The Certificate Revocation Request Form is also available in post offices.
  2. The signature on the above revocation request form must be the same as on the original application form.

e-Cert (Organisational Role) Revocation Request Procedures

Revocation requests can be made by the Authorised Representative of the Subscriber Organisation or the Authorised User whose name appears on the certificate by the following methods:

  • Sending a completed Certificate Revocation Request Form by fax to 2775 9130 and the original of the revocation request form by post to Hongkong Post CA, PO Box 68777, Kowloon East Post Office; or
  • Sending a completed Certificate Revocation Request Form by letter to Hongkong Post CA, PO Box 68777, Kowloon East Post Office; or
  • Sending a digitally signed e-mail to enquiry@eCert.gov.hk; or
  • Signing a Certificate Revocation Request Form in person at any post office; or
  • Submit a signed Certificate Revocation Request Form through the corresponding Registration Authority which will forward such certificate revocation requests to Hongkong Post CA; or
  • Request revocation on-line

Bank-Cert (Personal) / Bank-Cert (Corporate) Revocation Request Procedures

Submit a revocation request and subsequent final confirmation to the Registration Bank identified in the certificate by fax, letter mail, email or in-person, depending upon which of these methods the Registration Bank to be contacted can accept, and the Registration Bank will forward such revocation requests to Hongkong Post.

Bank-Cert (Bank) Revocation Request Procedures

For revocation of Bank-Cert (Bank), the Authorised Representative of a Registration Bank of Bank-Cert (Bank) may submit a certificate revocation request by giving no less than one month’s notice and subsequent final confirmation to Hongkong Post by fax, letter mail, email or in-person to HKPCA.

g-Cert (Individual) / g-Cert (Functional Unit) Revocation Request Procedure

Submit a revocation request in the Centrally Managed Messaging Platform of DPO ("CMMP") for an applicant of g-Cert (Individual) or for a functional unit of g-Cert (Functional Unit), and the CMMP will forward such revocation request to Hongkong Post.

iAM Smart-Cert Revocation Request Procedure

Submit a revocation request via the "iAM Smart" system, and the "iAM Smart" system will forward such revocation request to Hongkong Post.

Based on the revocation request, Hongkong Post will suspend the validity of the certificate. The certificate will be revoked, which terminates the validity of the certificate permanently, upon receipt of the final confirmation of revocation from the Subscriber. Hongkong Post will exercise reasonable endeavours to send to relevant Subscribers a Notice of Revocation by email or by post within one week following the suspension or revocation.

Business Hours for Processing e-Cert Revocation Requests
Monday to Friday 09:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Saturday 09:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
Sunday & Public Holiday No service

In case a tropical cyclone warning signal no. 8 (or above) or a black rainstorm warning signal is hoisted, processing of revocation requests will be suspended immediately and will recommence at its usual hour if the signal is lowered at or before 6 am on that day. If the signal is lowered between 6 am and 10 am or at 10 am, processing of revocation requests will recommence at 2:00 pm for any weekday other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday. If the signal is lowered after 10 am, processing of revocation requests will recommence at business hours on the next weekday other than a Sunday or public holiday.

Service Pledge and Certificate Revocation List Update

  • Hongkong Post will exercise reasonable endeavours to see that within 2 working days of (1) Hongkong Post receiving a revocation request from the Subscriber or (2) In the absence of such a request, the decision by Hongkong Post to suspend or revoke the certificate, the suspension or revocation is posted to the Certification Revocation List.
  • However, a Certificate Revocation List is not immediately published in the directory for access by the public following each certificate suspension or revocation. Only when the next Certificate Revocation List is updated and published will it reflect the suspended or revoked status of the certificate. (NOTE: Certificate Revocation Lists are published in the Hongkong Post Repository.)

For the avoidance of doubt, all Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays and for all weekdays on which a tropical cyclone and rainstorm warning signal is hoisted, are not working days.

Find out more about e-Cert & Bank-Cert revocation from the Certification Practice Statement (CPS)


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